Search Results - platform+technology

27 Results
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A Fully Automated, Origami-Inspired Approach for Manufacturing Self-Assembling, Self-Reconfiguring, and Reprogrammable Structures.

An origami-based approach to generate complex shapes by folding magnetically programmed sheets.

Published: 8/14/2024

Biocompatible, Reversible, and Strong Multilayered Tape for Advanced Wound Care

A hydrogel-based adhesive with a hydrophobic backing layer protects it from exposure to water and offers painless removal and easy repositioning.

Published: 7/23/2024

Targeted Organ or Multiple Organ Delivery of mRNA with Ionizable Amphiphilic Janus Dendrimers

A library of easily synthesized ionizable amphiphilic Janus dendrimer (IAJD) compounds that deliver mRNA either to targeted organs or multiple organs, depending on the IAJD design.

Published: 7/23/2024

Deep Learning Model Discovers Antibiotic Drugs in Extinct Organisms Effective Against Drug-Resistant Superbugs

Antibiotic Peptide de-extinction (APEX) is a deep-learning AI solution that can unearth ancient antibiotics to effectively combat superbugs and tackle antibiotic resistance on a global scale.

Published: 6/27/2024

Strategies for Mitigating Acute Side Effects of Lung-Targeted Nanocarriers

Approaches and Design Techniques to Alleviate Coagulation-Related Acute Side Effects of Lung-Targeted Nanocarriers

Published: 6/26/2024

Augmented Reality Interface for Radiation-Free Screw Insertion during Intramedullary Nail Insertion for Long Bone Fractures

The NailedIt Augmented Reality (AR) Surgical Navigation System, comprised of a Windows-based desktop application, augmented reality headsets (HMDs) worn by surgeons, handheld mobile devices supporting remote viewing and surgical site annotation, and spatially tracked medical devices and instruments, assists and guides surgeons while they perform orthopedic surgical tasks using an immersive augmented reality user interface.

Published: 4/10/2024

Ultrasensitive, High-Throughput, Single-Scale Detection of Extracellular Vesicles

An optofluidic platform to detect extracellular vesicles (EVs) at the single-particle level by parallelizing droplet generation and analysis of EVs.

Published: 2/26/2024

Human-AI Hybrid Intelligence Model to Accurately Recognize and Segment Organs on Medical Scans 70% Faster Than Physicians

AAR-DL (Automatic Anatomy Recognition – Deep Learning) is a hybrid intelligence recognition and delineation segmentation model that outputs automatically delineated organs in medical images by combining natural intelligence’s (i.e., human knowledge’s) and artificial intelligence's strengths to map organs and their boundaries in the given images.

Published: 6/24/2024

Stable Biological Membrane Mimetic For Enhanced Protein Recruitment

Synthetic biological alternative to natural lipids for conjugation with nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) for enhanced His-tagged protein interaction and long-term stability.

Published: 10/16/2023
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