Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+agriculture+%26+environment

8 Results
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Cellulose Nanofiber-Based Substrates For Fabricating High-Fidelity And Biodegradable, Printed Electronics

A method for manufacturing biodegradable nano-cellulose infiltrated paper (NCIP) substrates with low surface smoothness and low porosity for printed electronics and packaging applications.

Published: 10/16/2023

Improved stress and nutrient response in plants via root hair regulation

This technology is aimed at improving crop production in the era of global climate change and rising fertilizer costs.

Published: 1/5/2024

Phytochelatin-based heavy metal detoxification in phytoremediation and agricultural applications

AtPCS gene encoding multispecific heavy metal resistance factor from plants

Published: 1/5/2024

Agricultural formulation and transgenic methods for regulating crop yield

Phytohormone gibberellin controls onset of plant development and flower formation

Published: 1/5/2024

Automated Micro-Particle Robotic Swarm for the Chemical and Mechanical Removal of Biofilms

Wirelessly activated iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) forming micro-robots that chemically and mechanically remove biofilms with high precision and efficacy by magnetic control.

Published: 7/9/2024