Search Results - william+beltran

4 Results
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Silencing of PRLΔE1 expression: a gene-agnostic treatment for retinal degenerations

Viral vector-mediated gene silencing of a novel short retinal isoform of Prolactin promotes photoreceptor survival.

Published: 7/2/2024

PennSorter: A software platform for rapid neural signal analysis.

PennSorter is a specialized "spike-sorting" software designed to facilitate the precise assignment of electrical signals to cells with enhanced accuracy and efficiency.

Published: 7/2/2024

Gene Therapy for Leber Congenital Amaurosis Ciliopathy

AAV-mediated gene therapy approach for the treatment of Leber congenital amaurosis retinopathies resulting from NPHP5 mutations

Published: 7/2/2024

Gene Therapy for the Treatment of Retinal Degeneration and Vision Loss

Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) expressing the gene for retinitis pigmentosa GTPAse regulation (RPGR) for the functional and structural rescue of photoreceptor cells of the eye as gene therapy for retinal degeneration and vision loss.

Published: 7/8/2024