Neuroprotection in TBI/Concussion via Dietary Supplement

A dietary supplement that protects brain cells from the effects of TBI and concussion  


 Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability. Mild TBIs (such as concussion) are particularly common for athletes and warfighters and can produce disabilities without immediate brain cell death. This may be due to damage to the plasma membrane of brain cells, which is a wall of lipids and proteins that separate the inside of the cell from its surrounding environment.


Dietary intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), preferably in the form of a liquid "sports drink," may be particularly neuroprotective because they are anti-inflammatory, support neuron health, and alter the properties of the plasma membrane.  

Technology Overview:

The "sports drink" includes a PUFA, omega-6 docosapentaenoic acid (DPAn6), that has been shown to decrease lesion size in an animal model of concussion. This increase in DPAn6 allows for great plasma membrane elasticity, providing a prophylactic effect for those susceptible to brain injury such as athletes and soldiers.


  • Prophylaxis for common brain injury
  • Non-invasive method for mitigating risk of brain injury  


Representative H&E images from anterior sections of animals fed Control (A), High Fat diets (B).

Stage of Development:  

  • Preclinical testing in animal models of brain injury  

Intellectual Property:

Desired Partnerships:

  • License
  • Co-Development
  • Potential start-up   
Patent Information:


Joyce Kamande

Assistant Director, PSOM Licensing Group
University of Pennsylvania



Docket # 21-9518