A Stable Post-Pyloric Retention Gastrojejunal (GJ) Feeding Tube That Minimizes Dislodgement

The proposed invention is a gastric-jejunal (GJ) feeding tube that includes a retention device to maintain its position once placed in a patient.


Enteral feeding devices, e.g., gastric (G) or gastrojejunal (GJ) feeding tubes, offer a safe and efficient means of delivering essential nutrition directly into the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, GJ tubes deliver directly to the jejunum (middle part of the small intestine) and are desirable long-term solutions. Existing GJ tubes incorporate retention modifications (e.g., balloons and discs) to keep the tube from falling out. However, these designs do not address a common problem - the migration of the jejunal component backward into the stomach, a medical emergency requiring urgent intervention to position the tube back into the jejunum.


The inventor proposed a new GJ tube design with a post-pyloric retention device to help maintain its positioning in the small intestine once placed. The post-pyloric retention device leverages the natural anatomy (e.g., strong muscle and narrow lumen) of the junction between the stomach and small intestine to improve stability and prevent the GJ tube from moving backward.


The present invention is a GJ tube containing a post-pyloric retention device immediately distal to the pylorus. The pylorus is a naturally narrow channel that prevents the retention device from dislodging and migrating back into the stomach. The retention component may be an inflatable balloon or other deployable retention device, which secures the entirety of the tube once inflated. This design effectively improves the stability of the GJ tube and avoids dislodgement by leveraging the natural anatomy of the junction between the stomach and small intestine.


  • Improve GJ tube retention and address the migration and dislodgement issues by adding a post-pyloric retention device.
    • Improve gastrojejunal (GJ) retention: Keep the jejunal component of the tube from migrating back into the stomach.
    • Less gastric outlet obstruction: Avoid possible gastric outlet obstruction by placing the retention device distal to the gastric outlet.
    • Allow for shorter duodenal/jejunal portion of GJ tube: Increase the potential absorptive area of the gut and provide more physiologic delivery of nutrition into the duodenum rather than the jejunum.
  • Prevent migration events that may result in unnecessary hospitalization, emergency room visits, and procedures, as well as significant dissatisfaction among patients and caregivers due to disruptions in routines, concerns about receiving adequate nutrition and/or hydration, etc.
  • Potentially provide a safe and long-term feeding solution for patients who are immobile or immobilized.

Stage of Development:

  • Proof of Concept

Intellectual Property:

  • Provisional Filed

Desired Partnerships:

  • License
  • Co-development
Patent Information:


Joyce Kamande

Assistant Director, PSOM Licensing Group
University of Pennsylvania



Docket # 23-10338