Search Results - autonomous+vehicles

5 Results
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Versatile Algorithm For Safe And Accurate Deep Learning

Model-based robust deep learning algorithms allow for more accurate and robust predictions in varying environmental conditions.

Published: 10/16/2023

High Density Multidimensional Microlaser Array For High-Power, Narrow-Divergence Applications

A high-power laser array based on quantum physical properties for 3D sensing and displays and Light Detection and Ranging (LIDARs).

Published: 10/16/2023

Model Zoo: Machine Learning Model for Cases with Limited Data Sets or That Would Benefit from a Reduced and Selected Training Dataset

A machine learning classification algorithm that incorporates several smaller algorithms trained on specific tasks and selectively focuses on synergistic tasks to reduce data requirements while increasing accuracy.

Published: 10/16/2023

Reactive and continuous space-time control of multi-drone-fleets

System for continuously controlling quadrotor drone behavior using Signal Temporal Logic (STL) as the mission specification language

Published: 10/16/2023