Search Results - drug+target

9 Results
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Tumor Suppression by Retinoic Acid Pathway Inhibition

Targeting retinoic acid (RA) synthesizing enzymes or RA receptors with small molecules boosts the immune system towards a tumor rejection response  

Published: 6/21/2024

Silencing of PRLΔE1 expression: a gene-agnostic treatment for retinal degenerations

Viral vector-mediated gene silencing of a novel short retinal isoform of Prolactin promotes photoreceptor survival.

Published: 7/2/2024

Topical LSD1 Inhibition for Treating Skin Diseases

Topical LSD1 inhibition can treat skin diseases that include cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC), actinic keratoses, and viral warts.

Published: 2/12/2024

Library of Novel Anesthetic (Propofol) Antagonists

A library of chemical compounds that reverse the anesthetic effects of propofol.

Published: 2/2/2024

Up-regulators of utrophin expression for the treatment of muscular dystrophy

Small molecules targeting utrophin mRNA untranslated regions overcome post-transcriptional repression

Published: 6/20/2024

Therapeutic to Mitigate Epilepsy and Autism Development in Newborn Seizure Patients

Neonatal brains are at high risk for seizures due to heightened electrical activity corresponding to neural development. Though anticonvulsant drugs exist to treat the seizures immediately, certain synaptic receptors (CP-AMPARs) become highly expressed, increasing the likelihood of developing epilepsy and autism-spectrum disorders. The inventors propose using CP-AMPAR blockers such as IEM-1460 to curb CP-AMPAR activity and prevent development of epilepsy and other neurological disorders. 

Published: 1/12/2024