Search Results - internet+of+things

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SCALPEL or Secure Compartments Automatically Learned and Protected by Execution Using Lightweight Metadata

SCALPEL is a lightweight optimization tool for automatically compartmentalizing policies for hardware-accelerated enforcement in a tagged architecture. The tool also creates a layer or protection (or hardening) by learning and allowing certain privileges based on learned expectations.

Published: 8/2/2024

Cellulose Nanofiber-Based Substrates For Fabricating High-Fidelity And Biodegradable, Printed Electronics

A method for manufacturing biodegradable nano-cellulose infiltrated paper (NCIP) substrates with low surface smoothness and low porosity for printed electronics and packaging applications.

Published: 10/16/2023

Nonvolatile memory devices fabricated at a complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS)-compatible temperature

High-performance nonvolatile memory devices integrated with ferroelectric Aluminum Scandium Nitride (AlScN) films that can be directly deposited on the silicon at low temperature (≤ 350 °C)

Published: 1/24/2024


For online retailers who want to increase sales, NETIFY is a tool for creating real-time recommendation networks that match customers to provide social incentives to try new products. Unlike, recommendations do not come from a statistical engine, but from real people with personalities and histories who provide social encouragement to try new options. "It's for shopping."

Published: 7/9/2024