Search Results - neurodegenerative+diseases

16 Results
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An Adaptive, Language-Agnostic, and Generalizable Method to Determine the Hearing Level and Speech Perception Abilities of a Patient

This hearing test is tuned to a patient’s hearing level and changes based on performance to accurately diagnose hearing ability

Published: 8/12/2024

Silencing of PRLΔE1 expression: a gene-agnostic treatment for retinal degenerations

Viral vector-mediated gene silencing of a novel short retinal isoform of Prolactin promotes photoreceptor survival.

Published: 7/2/2024

Direct and Effective Method To Reverse The Effects of Fragile X Syndrome

A method of treating Fragile X syndrome by correcting the abnormal DNA clusters causing the characteristic symptoms.

Published: 3/8/2024

Novel Inhibitors of Ferroptosis

Novel derivatives of oleic acid effectively inhibiting ferroptosis that could be used for treatment of Friedreich Ataxia, neurodegenerative diseases, and neuropsychiatric diseases.

Published: 3/13/2024

Site-blocking oligos (SBO) upregulate utrophin for treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD

Synthetic oligonucleotides blocking natural degradation of utrophin to treat muscular dystrophy.

Published: 6/20/2024

Therapeutic Antibodies Against Pathological Tau Proteins for the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)

Two novel monoclonal antibodies were discovered that target pathological conformations of the tau protein. The antibodies were shown in vitro and in vivo to inhibit the spread of pathological tau protein aggregates, which is one of the defining characteristics of AD.

Published: 6/28/2024

Drug Discovery and Target Identification Platform Technology Using Random shRNA-Expressing Library

shRNA library of 3 million sequences for identification of small-RNA therapeutic candidates, new targets and pathways, as well as conventional chemical-compound drugs in cell-culture disease models.

Published: 6/18/2024
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