Search Results - soft+materials

14 Results
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Biocompatible, Reversible, and Strong Multilayered Tape for Advanced Wound Care

A hydrogel-based adhesive with a hydrophobic backing layer protects it from exposure to water and offers painless removal and easy repositioning.

Published: 7/23/2024

Scalable and Eco-Friendly Manufacturing of Tunable Heterogeneous Nanoparticle Films

A scalable heterogeneous nanoparticle film with controllable manufacturing methods with tunable properties that could be useful for a variety of applications.

Published: 7/9/2024

An Electrophoresis Microfluidic System for Measuring Size, Shape, Charge, and Deformability of Single Particles

A microfluidic system that uses transverse alternating-current (AC) electrophoresis for multi-parameter analysis of single biological particles including mammalian or bacterial cells.

Published: 5/10/2024

A Stretch-Activated Adhesive Microcapsule For The Controlled Release of Drugs In Wound-Healing Dressings

An adhesive drug-loaded microcapsule which releases therapeutic cargo upon mechanical stretching.

Published: 6/20/2024

Base Metal Catalysts For Cyclic Conjugated Polymer Formation

A class of base metal catalysts (as opposed to expensive platinum and heavier group metals) with facile preparation methods for cyclic conjugated polymer synthesis.

Published: 1/29/2024

Easily Fabricated Polymer Brushes For pH-Mediated Nanoparticle (NP) Control

A polymer brush coating on a substrate made through block copolymer coating and exfoliation for pH-mediated nanoparticle sorting, transport, and diffusion.

Published: 10/16/2023

Shape Memory Polymer-Based Adhesive Gripper With High Conformability and High Load Capacity

Dry adhesion-based shape memory polymer (SMP) gripper with high-load capacity and a high adhesion switching ratio.

Published: 2/6/2024

Simple Polymer Mesogen to Create Stable Nanoporous Crystals for Filtration, Catalysis, and Ion Transport

A polymer mesogen which self-assembles into a stable cubic nanoporous liquid crystal, for use in filtration, catalysis, and ion transport. 

Published: 1/31/2024
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