Search Results - software

30 Results
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An Adaptive, Language-Agnostic, and Generalizable Method to Determine the Hearing Level and Speech Perception Abilities of a Patient

This hearing test is tuned to a patient’s hearing level and changes based on performance to accurately diagnose hearing ability

Published: 8/12/2024

SCALPEL or Secure Compartments Automatically Learned and Protected by Execution Using Lightweight Metadata

SCALPEL is a lightweight optimization tool for automatically compartmentalizing policies for hardware-accelerated enforcement in a tagged architecture. The tool also creates a layer or protection (or hardening) by learning and allowing certain privileges based on learned expectations.

Published: 8/2/2024

Augmented Reality Interface for Radiation-Free Screw Insertion during Intramedullary Nail Insertion for Long Bone Fractures

The NailedIt Augmented Reality (AR) Surgical Navigation System, comprised of a Windows-based desktop application, augmented reality headsets (HMDs) worn by surgeons, handheld mobile devices supporting remote viewing and surgical site annotation, and spatially tracked medical devices and instruments, assists and guides surgeons while they perform orthopedic surgical tasks using an immersive augmented reality user interface.

Published: 4/10/2024

Efficient Data Processing: TeShu Unleashes Speed, Adaptability, And Simplified Optimization

A versatile system that optimizes and adapts data shuffling in distributed systems, simplifying complex operations and enhancing overall performance.

Published: 6/18/2024

Human-AI Hybrid Intelligence Model to Accurately Recognize and Segment Organs on Medical Scans 70% Faster Than Physicians

AAR-DL (Automatic Anatomy Recognition – Deep Learning) is a hybrid intelligence recognition and delineation segmentation model that outputs automatically delineated organs in medical images by combining natural intelligence’s (i.e., human knowledge’s) and artificial intelligence's strengths to map organs and their boundaries in the given images.

Published: 6/24/2024

PennSorter: A software platform for rapid neural signal analysis.

PennSorter is a specialized "spike-sorting" software designed to facilitate the precise assignment of electrical signals to cells with enhanced accuracy and efficiency.

Published: 7/2/2024

Spine TK: Deep Learning AI Toolkit for Spine Health Assessment

Fast quantification of spine fractures, curvature, vertebral deformities, vertebral texture, vertebral strength, bone density, and intervertebral disk measurements using CT, MR, DXA, PET, or X-ray images for evaluation of spine health and surgery planning.

Published: 6/5/2024

Method for Creating Super Resolution Medical Images

The deep learning algorithm retrospectively improves the resolution of routine medical images (e.g., CT, MRI, etc.) without the need for increased radiation or scan time. 

Published: 9/24/2024
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