Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+imaging

49 Results
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Dye-Loaded Micelles for Direct Visualization of Colorectal Cancer

A tissue-selective, biocompatible contrast agent enables the visual identification of tumors and tumor margins during procedures

Published: 8/2/2024

A Precise, Analytical Model to Measure Visual Function and Monitor Retinal Disease

A model to estimate the change in photoreceptor outer segment length that occurs upon light stimulation – a biomarker of cone function in the retina.

Published: 3/6/2024

Human-AI Hybrid Intelligence Model to Accurately Recognize and Segment Organs on Medical Scans 70% Faster Than Physicians

AAR-DL (Automatic Anatomy Recognition – Deep Learning) is a hybrid intelligence recognition and delineation segmentation model that outputs automatically delineated organs in medical images by combining natural intelligence’s (i.e., human knowledge’s) and artificial intelligence's strengths to map organs and their boundaries in the given images.

Published: 6/24/2024

Revolutionizing CT Imaging: Gold Nanoparticles with Biodegradable Polymer Encapsulation

Innovative CT contrast agent using biodegradable polymer-encapsulated gold nanoparticles for enhanced imaging and safe excretion.

Published: 2/12/2024

Coherent Generation Of High-Dimensional Structured Light Using A Hyperdimensional Spin-Orbit Microlaser

The current invention describes next-generation high-capacity noise-resilient communication and computing technology. The invention describes a method to coherently generate high-dimensional structured light, including spin-orbit states, in an integrated and scalable way.

Published: 10/16/2023

Xenon Biosensors Improve Early Breast Cancer Detection

A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) based enzyme-detection system comprising xenon (129Xe) biosensors complexed with an enzyme-specific peptide substrate.

Published: 10/16/2023

Spine TK: Deep Learning AI Toolkit for Spine Health Assessment

Fast quantification of spine fractures, curvature, vertebral deformities, vertebral texture, vertebral strength, bone density, and intervertebral disk measurements using CT, MR, DXA, PET, or X-ray images for evaluation of spine health and surgery planning.

Published: 6/5/2024
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