Search Results - david+issadore

6 Results
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Single-Step Wettability Patterning for Microfluidic Generation of Emulsions

Method to transfer wettability properties of a mold to microfluidic devices, defining hydrophobic/hydrophilic regions through variable perfluoropolyether concentration.

Published: 7/23/2024

Effective Anti-Fouling Surface Coating of Microfluidic Mixing Devices for Robust mRNA Lipid Nanoparticles (LNP) Manufacturing

Employment of omniphobic, thin-layer perfluorocarbon (TLP) coating to prevent fouling and clogging in microfluidic mixing devices during mRNA LNP formulations.

Published: 7/15/2024

Ultrasensitive, High-Throughput, Single-Scale Detection of Extracellular Vesicles

An optofluidic platform to detect extracellular vesicles (EVs) at the single-particle level by parallelizing droplet generation and analysis of EVs.

Published: 2/26/2024

Microfluidic device for large-scale production of lipid nanoparticles

A scalable, parallelized, multi-channel microfluidic device for generating lipid nanoparticles.

Published: 10/16/2023