A physical embodiment of a locally-learning neural network, which learns faster than current CPU-based nets.
An origami-based approach to generate complex shapes by folding magnetically programmed sheets.
A method to fabricate batteries from biodegradable materials that can operate in the environment, such as on or under soil, and are scalable in size.
A flexible photonics processor enabling on-chip optimization of light-speed information processing without requiring complex fabrication.
A polymer brush coating on a substrate made through block copolymer coating and exfoliation for pH-mediated nanoparticle sorting, transport, and diffusion.
A method for manufacturing biodegradable nano-cellulose infiltrated paper (NCIP) substrates with low surface smoothness and low porosity for printed electronics and packaging applications.
A design and method to create superlattices, alternating stacks of two-dimensional materials and semiconductors to obtain strong light absorption.
An array of individually addressable microscale optical resonators that offer higher resolution, lower power consumption, extremely rich color tones, and a unique manufacturing path.
An on-chip nonlinear optical device that uses AlScN films to undergo scalable manufacturing processes