Search Results - small+molecule

10 Results
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Tumor Suppression by Retinoic Acid Pathway Inhibition

Targeting retinoic acid (RA) synthesizing enzymes or RA receptors with small molecules boosts the immune system towards a tumor rejection response  

Published: 6/21/2024

Pyrazole Derivatives for the Treatment of Lung Cancer Tumors

A class of pyrazole derivatives that inhibit palmitoyl-transferases, resulting in increasing cancer cell responsiveness to epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor and KRas mutant lung cancer growth inhibition as a single agent.

Published: 5/31/2024

Small Molecule Therapeutics for Hematologic Malignancies

Small molecule inhibitors of a key cancer cell signaling pathway cause hematologic cancer cell death, but have low toxicity towards healthy cells.

Published: 6/21/2024

CD4 mimetic small molecule inhibitors of HIV-1 entry

Therapeutic development for HIV-1 infection and prevention of transmission

Published: 10/16/2023

Small Molecule Antivirals for Therapeutic Applications

Antiviral compounds that competitively disrupt virus-host interactions to inhibit disease progression and transmission

Published: 7/2/2024