This hearing test is tuned to a patient’s hearing level and changes based on performance to accurately diagnose hearing ability
A device that provides independent thermal regulation for biological samples in a 96-well microwell plate.
A model to estimate the change in photoreceptor outer segment length that occurs upon light stimulation – a biomarker of cone function in the retina.
An optofluidic platform to detect extracellular vesicles (EVs) at the single-particle level by parallelizing droplet generation and analysis of EVs.
An ultrasensitive diagnostic tool that isolates single extracellular vesicles (EVs) and measures their contents to single molecule resolution.
A method for manufacturing biodegradable nano-cellulose infiltrated paper (NCIP) substrates with low surface smoothness and low porosity for printed electronics and packaging applications.
Device that simultaneously injects fluid into and removes fluid from droplets in flow.
Ten candidate serum and synovial protein levels provide early indication of joint impairment in lysosomal storage disorders.
Wearable inertial sensors to recognize wrist movements and other signals corresponding to firearm usage